Release Cycle

This page aims to document the release process of veloren. It first describes an overview and has more detailed chapters for single steps


When: 2 month before release

Where: Sunday Meeting

  • Roughly select a release-date and communicate that to internal parties (Note: it might be changed is not official yet!)
  • The following questions are answered:
    • What is the theme of this party
    • what features should be definitely in it, what features might get in
    • A map responsible is chosen, we plan how it will look like
    • A trailer responsible is chosen, we plan what it should contain
    • A release blog writer is chosen
    • A responsible for the feature freeze is chosen
    • A responsible for the release-binary is chosen
    • A responsible for social-media posts is chosen
    • A schedule for the party is created, we plan activities, how long they will take and responsible for those activities
  • A GitLab Milestone is created to track progress of this release.

When: 1 month before release

Where: Sunday Meeting

  • Pick a final release date when core devs (e.g. Angle, xMac) are available and responsibles can make it.
  • Feedback from the activities, trailer and map responsibles is discussed, what is their state, what do they plan. Do they need to adjust? Can they make the schedule?

Who: feature freeze-responsible

  • feature freeze schedule is posted

Who: Blog post responsible

  • Blog is prepared and written

Who: Social Media responsible

  • Posts are prepared and written

When: 3 weeks before release

Who: Map responsible

  • Map is ready enough for the trailer

Who: Activities responsible

  • Activities are ready enough for the trailer

Who: Core Devs

  • Map and Activities are reviewed by Core Devs

Who: Feature Freeze responsible

  • Features that are necessary are collected and are planned who reviews and merging is done.

When: 2 weeks before release

Who: trailer responsible

  • Trailer is ready enough to be reviewed

Who: Core Devs

  • Trailer is reviewed by Core Devs

When: 1 week before release

Who: Feature Freeze responsible

  • Schedule is applied over the next week and watched by responsible

Who: map/activities

  • all tasks are completed and are waiting to be executed

Who: trailer responsible

  • the trailer is uploaded and live

Who: Blog post responsible

  • the Blog post is uploaded and live

When: 8 hours before release

Who: Social Media Responsible

  • Posts are done

Who: map/activities

  • upload map and activities to the server

Who: release-binary responsible

  • Release commit is merged and Release Binaries are distributed

When: Sunday after release

Where: Sunday Meeting

  • Discuss pro and contra of the release party


GitLab Milestone

# v0.xx Release

## Responsibles

## Overview
Theme is: ``
Rough Release day is: ``
Included features are:
Excluded features are:
Party Schedule is:
- 18:00 GMT+0 start of party

## Checklist

Sunday Meeting:
- [ ] Fixed Release day is: `` *(T-1 month)*
- [ } Map is approved by CoreDevs
- [ } Activities are approved by CoreDevs
- [ } Trailer is approved by CoreDevs

- [ ] release blog is prepared *(T-1 month)*
- [ ] release blog is uploaded *(T-1 week)*

- [ ] trailer is ready for review *(T-2 weeks)*
- [ ] trailer is uploaded *(T-1 week)*

- [ ] map is ready for review *(T-3 weeks)*
- [ ] map is uploaded *(T-8 hours)*

- [ ] freeze-period is announced to public in #town-hall *(T-1 month)*
- [ ] Feature Freeze is enforced *(T-1 week)*

- [ ] Release Binaries are producuded uploaded and verified *(T-8 hours)*

- [ ] posts are prepared *(T-1 month)*
- [ ] posts are uploaded uploaded *(T-8 hours)*

Social-Media plan

  • T-1 week @NewsPingSquad @MediaPingSquad
  • T-30 mins @everyone
  • T-8 hours reddit/
  • T-8 hours twitter

Feature Freeze Posts

Hey @Contributor  @DevPingSquad ,

**0.13 release is on Saturday, 2022-07-23 18:00 GMT**

As usual, there will be a **feature freeze** starting from 2022-07-16 18:00 GMT. We recommend submitting critical and large MRs for review now, before the feature freeze.

This release will also have a **stress test event** between the feature freeze and the release. We will be sharing further details of this later.

__Getting your large MR merged before feature freeze__
Please mention @xMAC94x#2493  in the <#992383235332001942> thread with a short summary with the following details (the more, the better):
* What is complete
* What needs to be done
* Can your feature be partially introduced to master in its current state (as multiple MRs)?
* Do you foresee any issues with your MR and if so, which ones?
* Why should this feature be in 0.13?

This is required to align our testing and review strategies to ensure a smooth release.

2022-07-16 18:00:00 GMT Feature freeze — No new feature MRs will be merged.
2022-07-18 18:00:00 GMT Stress test event.
2022-07-22 10:00:00 GMT Total freeze — no new merges will be introduced unless they're critical.
2022-07-22 16:00:00 GMT Release build will be compiled.
2022-07-23 12:00:00 GMT Main server hardware upgrade.
2022-07-23 18:00:00 GMT Release party!

Binary Release Plan

  1. Copy over CHANGELOG, update only server, client, server-cli, voxygen crates - the others are on a independent semver. example MR
  2. Create release branch from master git checkout -b "r0.12"
  3. Create release tag git tag -a "v0.12.0" -m "release 0.12.0"
  4. Push release tag git push --tag "v0.12.0"
  5. Verify a release tag pipeline runs:
  6. Verify release container is build:
  7. Add link to
  8. Create a release on GitLab
  9. Verify a release binary is copied to wasabi