Building the Veloren Server for Raspberry Pi
The model of Raspberry Pi you have and the operating system your Pi is running can significantly impact your installation steps and Veloren's performance on your Pi. For the best performance we recommend using the Raspberry Pi model 4 and a 64-bit OS like Ubuntu Server, which is available through the Raspberry Pi Imaging utility. There is a 64-bit beta of Raspberry Pi OS as well.
Note: The amount of RAM on the Pi 4 does not matter. Even the official Veloren server uses well under 2 GiB of memory most of the time.
Cross-compiling or not
Cross-compilation means setting up a toolchain for the Raspberry Pi's instruction set on a separate computer in order to compile the Veloren server binary which you then copy onto the Pi.
Direct compiling is preferred if:
- You don't want to install and set up as many things on your computer
- You want to be up and running in fewer steps
Cross compiling is preferred if:
- You have a computer setup for development
- You want the compilation step to be faster
Note: Even with cross-compilation it is necessary to clone the
folder from the code repository onto the Pi as these files are not compiled into the server binary.
Direct Compiling
Log in to your Pi using SSH.
ssh <username>@<ip>
and enter password
Install the Rust programming language on the Pi if it's not already installed.
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
Install Git LFS in order to download the audio and visual assets along with the source code.
sudo apt install git-lfs
Git clone the Veloren codebase. You may need to generate SSH keys on your Pi for your GitLab account.
git clone
Compile the server binary from the code in the Veloren directory.
cd veloren
cargo build --bin veloren-server-cli --release
Run the server binary, optionally with -h
or --help
to see the list of arguments you can supply.
Note: Compilation on a Raspberry Pi 4 running Ubuntu Server 64-bit can take around 30 minutes for an optimized build.
Note: Remember to replace <username> by your own username and <ip> by the IP address of your Raspberry Pi!
Note: The process itself is resource heavy. Maybe still consider cross compiling. RAM usage can go over 8G, so you may consider creating a swap (although swap slows down the entire compilation process)
Note: If you experience an error when compiling
, you will need to disable plugin support by removingplugins = ["server/plugins"]
Cross Compiling
Installing Dependencies
Install the following dependencies on the cross compiling machine and the Raspberry Pi:
Cross Compiling PC:
- git
- git-lfs
- cargo (which is installed along with Rust)
- docker
Raspberry Pi:
- git
- git-lfs
Preparing the Raspberry Pi
First we need to clone the Veloren git repository.
git clone
Next we can reset the repository to the state of the last stable release. To do that we have to find out the git hash of that version. This can be found on The git hash is the sequence in the bottom left corner of the release. This step can be skipped if you want to play with the very latest updates.
cd veloren
git checkout <git hash>
Next we have to create some folders to later put the binary in.
mkdir target
mkdir target/release
Next, we need to add an environment variable to our .profile
nano ~/.profile
In the last line of this file, add the line export VELOREN_USERDATA="$(pwd)/userdata
Lastly, we reload our environment to use the new variable
. ~/.profile
Cross Compiling the code
Again we have to clone the Veloren repository to our cross compiling machine, reset it to the state of the latest stable release and setup git-lfs.
git clone
cd veloren
git checkout <git hash>
git lfs install
cargo install cross
The install command will be different depending on which OS you have running on the Raspberry Pi.
If you are using a 64-bit OS like Ubuntu Server with an ARMv8 instruction set, run the command:
cross build --target aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu --bin veloren-server-cli --release
If you are using Raspberry Pi OS which is currently 32-bit and using ARMv7 instruction set for backwards compatibility reasons, run the command:
cross build --target armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf --bin veloren-server-cli --release
Note: You may need to register an account on docker hub and run the
docker login
command in the terminal to access the Docker image required for cross-compilation.
When the compilation process has finished, we can move the binary to the Raspberry Pi. If you have SSH enabled on your Raspberry Pi, you can use the scp
scp target/<instruction_set>/release/veloren-server-cli <username>@<ip>:~/veloren/target/release/veloren-server-cli
refers to eitheraarch64-unknown-linux-gnu
, whichever one you used to compile. Remember to replace <username> by your own username and <ip> by the IP address of your Raspberry Pi!
Creating a systemd service
On the Raspberry Pi we can now create a systemd service for the server. To do that, create a service file with the content below.
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/veloren-server.service
Note: If you cross-compiled the binary, add an environment variable to the
Description=Veloren Server
Now our service is ready and can be started.
sudo systemctl start veloren-server.service
To watch how the server starts and to see debug info, you can use the following command.
sudo journalctl -f -u veloren-server.service
In case you want to start the server every time the Raspberry Pi boots, you can enable the service.
sudo systemctl enable veloren-server.service
Monitoring the server
When the server is running, you can watch your Pi's performance with tools like htop
or set up a Prometheus server to scrape metrics from your Veloren server at the addresshttp://<ip>:14005/metrics